Why do you wear makeup?
It's a question I think a lot of girls are asked from time to time. Some wear it daily, some wear it now and again and many only wear it for special occasions and now and again you find people who never wear it EVER! I myself would wear it everyday if i could, but I'm lazy with a capitol L and because I have to get up at an ungodly hour every morning I actually don't bother with it. I could go for a week or so without it. You see makeup isn't something I need to wear.....it's something i want to wear.
Now I've heard it over and over again "why are you bothering wearing makeup, we aren't going anywhere", "it's bad for your skin", " girls wear makeup to impress boys", "girls wear makeup to impress other girls" "people only wear makeup because to give themselves more confidence" etc etc the list goes on. I've read many articles asking why people bother with makeup and others from people saying they just don't feel like themselves without their makeup. Everyone has their own opinions to makeup and reasons for wearing it or not wearing it.